
The two Paris towers...

Bon week-end Ă  tous, have a good weekend everyone, you may need your brolly!

Tuesday's 'take on the tower'...from the L'esplanade du Trocadéro.

Tuesday's take on the tower...grey but gracious!

Tuesday's take on the tower...snapped from the oldest bridge in Paris.

Tuesday's 'take on the tower'...coucou!

Tuesday's 'take on the tower'...where exactify is she?

Saturday on the streets of Paris...Av. de Camoens

Tuesday's 'Take on the tower'...

Tuesday's 'Take on the tower'...

Tuesday's 'Take on the tower'...

Tuesday's 'take on the tower'...

Tuesday's take on the tower...

Tuesday's 'take on the tower'... from the Seine

Liberty and the Iron Lady...

Tuesday's take on the tower...