
Bon week-end à tous - have a good weekend..Place de Andre Malraux

Thursday on the terraces of Paris....Le Café Noir.

Wednesday for windows...under the arcades of Place des Vosges.

Tuesday's 'take on the tower' - blue sky

Monday is for the metro...Saint-Philippe du Roule.

Mon banc dominical / My Sunday Bench in Paris...a bit of shade

Saturday on the streets of Paris...Pont de Bercy

Bon week-end à tous - have a good weekend...feel the love.

Thursday on the terraces of Paris...'Café de 2 Moulin'

'Still life' Montmartre...

Tuesday's 'taking on the tower'...'Double take'!

Monday is for the metro... Blanche

Mon banc dominical / My Sunday Bench in Paris...Place des Vosges.