
Wednesday for the windows of Paris...

Wednesday for the windows of the 5th.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...

Wednesday for the windows of Paris - further reflection.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris - a little surprise!

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...on rue de l’Abreuvoir.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris - Restaurant Bouillon Racine, 3 rue Racine, 6e.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...

Wednesday for the windows of Paris.

Wednesday for the windows of 'Paris'.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...151 Rue de Grenelle

Wednesday is for the windows of Paris...

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...illuminating!

Wednesday for the windows of Paris...with a Hemingway connection.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris

Wednesday for the windows of Paris - in the 6th.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris - and a beautiful door.

Wednesday for the windows of the 6th.

Wednesday for the windows of Paris